Sometimes bugs make for a good story, other times a brief mussing about something really interesting. This BugBlog contains both. Some of the stories are part of a series about bugs found in the Northwest mountains of North Carolina, referred to as the High Country.
The fascinating firefly
Fireflies, also called lightning bugs, light up summer evenings and are an excellent way to illustrate how insects communicate with each other
The “other insect pollinators
Many insect pollinators go unnoticed but nonetheless play vitally important roles. Good examples include Syrphid flies and solitary bees
Good weeds for your property
What many consider pesky weeds actually provide a valuable resource for insect pollinators- and brighten up your property!
Flight of the monarch butterfly
The monarch butterfly and its extraordinary migration is one of the more fascinating stories in the world of bugs
Bugs songs of summer
Many insects “sing” to attract mates. This post describes three insects that use cool songs, one in daylight and two at night.
The eastern tent caterpillar- A tree house bug
Insects can be wonderful engineers; in the case of this bugstory by making a nest
Be on the lookout for bad bugs in the High Country
Though the High Country of NC has many intersting bugs, some that are not native can be very damaging to our native tress
Home invasion of stink and lady bugs?
Winter may bring unwanted bugs into your house. This bugstory explores a couple of common ones.